Musing # 3

Silhouette of Woman Near Sea Shore

Dissolving into the shadows of time…

What never was born will never die,

what seems so lost was never yours to find,

What you believe is wrong is just what someone feel’s is right…

What is on your mind is discrepancy of thought, wavering emotions and a million shadows,

These shadows loom in the darkness ferreting around like lost birds in a clear dark sky,

They collide into one another, scream for attention and then dissolve altogether into the darkness of time,

If only I knew this analogy would correlate to the thoughts on our mind and the concept of time…

Thought this I staring into the space of darkness..

Silhouette of a Woman During Dawn

Quote 793

Landscape Photography of Withered Tree

Thinking more about a situation, Doesn’t solve it,

Worrying about something does not change it,

Complaining about something does not make it better,

Solving and Changing the way things are going improves the atmosphere,

Surrendering to the divine, gives you the strength and support,

Finally, look deeply there will always be at least one person who trusts you and is with you, so trust them and just let go…

The rest will happen the way it was meant to happen…

Free stock photo of hands, love, woman, feet

Quote 701

The mind is such a cheat that it will always tell you one last time, you might be standing around the corner, ready to take the last plunge into the depths of knowing the self, but this vehement mind will always say one more, one last time…

What will you do now???

Photo of Guy Fawkes Mask With Red Flower on Top on Hand